- search.marginalia.nu
- wiby.me
- millionshort.com
- feedle.world/top-stori…
- kagi.com/smallweb
- exa.ai
- perplexity.ai
- searchmysite.net
My list of books-I-want-to-read-before-I-die is lengthy. And that can make me feel… intimidated? Overwhelmed? So I decided to stop looking at it for a while and instead go back to the classic book pile. Three books. The next one is on top. Less overwhelming. 📚
One more from our ice escapade yesterday. And a unique behind-the-scenes look of yours truly, snapping photos in the most dignified and graceful way possible.
We went out for a photo session on the ice today. 🧊
World Wide Web Directory
A humanly curated list of websites. Often homemade, quirky, and personal. Always made with 100 % love towards the free and open web.
🚧 Under Construction
Blogrolls, Directories & Webrings
Smol Web Search Engines
“Kind of like a blogroll but with a higher barrier to entry.” Websites by humans I hang out with afk.
Me, Elsewhere in Cyberspace
Wouldn’t it be cool with a shortcut from your blog post directly to its entry on the Micro.blog timeline? Like a “Reply on Micro.blog” link. You can have that!
🎲 Surprise me! has graduated from beta to the official directory. It’s a “take me to a random post” plug-in for your blog. Pretty fun!
And, in case you missed it, ✍️ Reply by email is there as well.
See that 🎲 Surprise me! link in the screenshot above? Every time it’s clicked, the visitor is taken to a random post in the archive. You can have this too! Just install my new Micro.blog plug-in.
Computed tomography scans of old Game Boys made me smile today. 🕹