The other day, @zorn mentioned ROM hacking which threw me back to the summer of 2018. One hot evening, I asked myself: what if Tetris only had the straight tetromino? So, I fired up my hex editor and hacked together this thing. 😅 🎮

Feel these words: bulletin board systems, dial-up noises, Commodore, and Nintendo. Now, this sentence: “a comic about ’90s kids making bad decisions over the early internet”.
Yep, you should add Incredible Doom on your to-read pile. 📚

Let’s see if we can transform these ingredients into a tasty lunch. The frozen chunks may look like sorbet, but it’s not. Homemade chicken stock and… cava. 🍾

This grandfather clock means the world to me. If you open the pendulum door and peek inside, you will find a piece of paper with typewritten words. Signed by my grandpa. The clock was a gift to him from his wife in 1961.
Every tick-tock reminds me of them.

Kantarellpizza: chanterelle, gruyère, and truffle mayo pizza. Mmm. 😋 What kind of pizza are you eating tonight? 🍕

Would you like links to the previous and next posts on your I put up a short tutorial on the Help center yesterday. Check it out!

My view outside our kitchen window right before bedtime yesterday. Installing pipes for district heating looks like hard work! The folks down there worked through the night and were still at it when I drank my first cup of coffee in the morning.

Sanna read a couple of pages from The Labyrinth to me during breakfast this morning. Is it possible to start the day off in a cozier way? I don’t think so. 😊 Reading aloud to each other is underrated.

Week 1,849
Let’s see if I can get back into writing by posting on a regular schedule. Once a week. Cherry-picked tidbits from my life the last seven days. I’ve been alive for 1,849 weeks already, so, without further ado, here’s what happened in the thirty-third week of 2021.
I got my second jab! 💉 It went smooth, 5 minutes of waiting for my turn and 30 minutes of relaxing after. The arm felt a bit sore for a couple of days, but no other side effects.
For some reason, The Green Knight didn’t go up here in Jönköping. So, we went out of town to catch it. Totally worth it; the movie was phenomenal! Now, I look forward to Robin’s live reading of the book in January.
Sanna and I decided to spend our extended weekend at Sommarbo. And what a great decision that was. The water remained warm-ish, the sun shined, and we had a great time. We both agreed the air felt a bit different, though. Autumn is coming! 🍂
We also sent the second issue of our cozy newsletter about reading. If you cherish books and can decipher Swedish, you should subscribe.