Week 1,850

I’ve gravitated towards the Micro.blog community for years now. A welcoming bunch of people, just blogging away and having a good time. Somewhat like Twitter, but nice! Actually, it’s not at all like Twitter. There’s no follower count, no likes, and the public timeline is curated by actual human beings. 😲 Can you believe that? It’s super cozy!
Anyway, this week I decided to go from lurker to participant and started micro posting there under the moniker @sod. Wanna hear how that clock up there sounds? Well, you have to visit my post about grandpa’s clock to find out.

Sanna and I had a date Thursday night, entirely dedicated to work on Läslöss, our blog about books and how much we adore them. We had a good time, and I ended up writing a short post about the Incredible Doom comic. So if Swedish makes any sense to you, you should follow that link.
It feels good being fully vaccinated (for now), and we’re slowly getting used to hanging out with friends and family and going on social events again. I visited an ex-colleague and friend in her house, shared a great lunch with dad, and the week ended on a high note, as we went to a concert for the first time since… I don’t know; forever?
It was nice! It was a little chilly outside, but that was outweighed by the pure joy of experiencing live music again. Thanks, Nina (The Cardigans) and Martin (The Soundtrack of Our Lives), for a great evening at Huskvarna Folkets Park.
Also, I’m probably a cyber-realist. Good to know. 😅