My web browser has a Shared with You section that features the most recent links sent to me by friends and family. Sanna thought that maybe these links tell us something about… something? She wrote a blog post collecting the links recently sent to her.

I love that idea, so without further ado, here are seven links recently shared with me.

  1. The brilliant human who inspired this post surprised me with the fact that 2 Player Productions and Double Fine surprised everyone by releasing episode 33 of PsychOdyssey. What a treat! We watched it the same night.
  2. A Boba Fett action figure sold for $525,000, as reported by my friend Hampus.
  3. My brother-in-law recently ended up in a man-on-the-street interview with a local radio show. It was about how he couldn’t make a purchase due to an IT incident, but he was happy all the same because the store bribed him with free fika. Shared, of course, by my sister.
  4. Do you believe in ghosts? My niece Ines linked to this YouTube video of some dudes overnighting in a haunted house. The catch? It’s the house where Sanna and I took our families to celebrate our wedding. 😅 Apparently, the highest level of spectral phenomena was in the room and bed where we slept. 👻
  5. It’s funny how there are specific themes to the link sharing with the various people in my life. The thread between my cuz Stefan and myself is all about hardware and games. He bought a new keyboard.
  6. The ongoing conversation with my brother often touches on the economy and investments. He shared this breakdown of the Golden Butterfly Portfolio a while back.
  7. But no one sends me more links than Sanna, so it’s only fitting that her links appear twice in this list and get to round it off. Thank Goodness You’re Here!

That’s it. I showed you mine, and now I look forward to finding out what was recently shared with you.

PS. The most recent link I sent away was about the Olympic silver medalist sponsored by Parmesan cheese. 🧀