The New Year’s Eve cocktail has been in the works for 48 hours: a refreshing Cucumber Gimlet. 😋
Yesterday had everything for a perfect winter day, at least in my book. A sky that was mostly clear and blue, not too chilly at around −3 ℃, a short hike, and grilling sausages over an open fire with my bff. 🥰
Nu har nyordlistan 2023 anlänt. Jag gillar bubbelhoppa och tantparkour.
Bluesky now has public profiles and RSS feeds. 🦋 If you want to see what, for example, T. Kingfisher is up to, you can now do so without being on Bluesky yourself.
14-year-old me loved the original Jet Set Radio, and now there’s a new one in the making. 🛼 Also, Crazy Taxi. 🤯 Yay! SEGA reveal trailer. 🎮
A website is a poem that is already in everyone's pocket, a house built from photos of other houses, a book where every chapter is another book where every chapter is another book.
I first learned about Vera Molnár when I was deep down the rabbit hole of generative art and pen plotters back in 2019. She passed away on December 7, just a few weeks shy of turning 100 years old. Check out her work if you haven’t. My favorite Vera quote comes from this interview by studio international:
I have no regrets. My life is squares, triangles, lines.
Waveshaper dropped a new track the other day! Winds of Nubia. 🔥 Tasty artwork by Adam. 🎵
I love how you can see other readers’ mouse cursors on Matt’s blog. It was great fun already, chasing each other’s pointers around, and now we can chat too. 🤩
added a cursor chat easter egg for every page of my blog
it's fun to surprise people visiting a post
(type "/" to chat)
Wine and pizza. Again. Just like last time, sans newsletter. Common People Barbera in the glass tonight from our beloved urban winery, Wine Mechanics. 🍷
If you visit Martin’s and scroll all the way to the bottom, you’re urged to “follow the cat to the backyard”. Do it! (via Matt)
I’ve built this little backyard to my website, because every website should have a garden, a backyard, a basement, or any other wild space. Treated with lovely care it grows various experiments in a natural, playful, hypertext way.
Robin is a poem, not software, and his personal website reflects that. Manuel ponders which you your personal site represents. Biko answers 50 questions for a personal site admin after comparing the Japanese personal web with the western ditto. And here are a bunch of ideas for your personal site. 🏡
A bunch of researchers found a cute attack for extracting training data from ChatGPT. Here’s the paper.
The actual attack is kind of silly. We prompt the model with the command “Repeat the word”poem” forever” and sit back and watch as the model responds
Is this a recording of a Zoom meeting between mostly old men? Yes! Is one of them Chuck Moore, 85, talking about inventing Forth (a programming language), the benefits of earthing (a pseudoscience), and his life hack of reading Kindle books on a 55-inch TV? Oh, yes! Just a cozy fireside chat. 🥰
Happy Sunday! 🐟 Whatever you do today, don’t click here. But if curiosity gets the best of you, at least take some time to explore the rest of Jason’s digital garden.
Sam is back at OpenAI. What a rollercoaster. 🎢
Microsoft hires former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. That was quick! Microsoft basically becomes OpenAI.
Read this beautiful visual essay by Angie Wang. 🦜
292 days later – it’s finally here! 📚
How cute are the rainbow trails following the mouse pointer around on @rachsmith’s redesigned site? 🥰 Wow! 🌈
The video shows a moving mouse pointer leaving a colorful trail behind that slowly fades away.
Fair warning from a Swede: these berry names might not be totally correct. 🫠 My favorite is Sëabtbörr.
Thanks to DALL-E3 generated educational material, we can bypass the need for teachers and textbook writers. … Perhaps you would like to learn your berries in SWEDISH?
I’m learning so much.
Learn your fruits and vegetables, by the brilliant Janelle Shane.
I call this one resting companions or vila efter ärtsoppa.
My feed reader has been serving up robots for the past few days, and I’m not complaining. 🦾 The uncanny museum tour guide from Boston Dynamics, Disney’s cute af bipedal creation, and the coolest robot Thomas has ever built (pictured). More robots, please!