I teamed up with OpenAl’s Whisper and had a lot of fun hacking on interactive transcripts this weekend. The neural net handled the transcription, so I, the human, could focus on programming and implementing the user interface.
See the demo below or live (in Swedish).
It’s #FeedReaderFriday again! And you should subscribe to Julia Evans’ blog for nerdy posts, like Why does 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004?, and beautiful, informative zines, like Hell yes! CSS!.
Today I completed another task on the study to-do list: installing the ceiling light. Thirteen individual glass globes had to be attached one by one – tedious, but worthwhile! 💡
Summarize any content on the web - from articles to books - in a jiffy!
Universal Summarizer works on videos as well. I fed it my talk from Micro Camp 2022 and out came a pretty spot-on recap.
It’s #FeedReaderFriday already! Firstly, if you haven’t explored Maggie’s digital garden yet, now is the time. Yes, right now. 😊 And then, add the feed to your reader to never miss one of her visual essays (about anthropology, design, and programming). You won’t regret it!
Om du gillar böcker och befinner dig i närheten av Jönköping ska du så klart besöka SmåLit i morgon. Föreläsningar, författarsamtal, bokmässa och massa annat kul för bokmalar och läslöss. 📚
Där, vid ett av åttio bord kommer du hitta Sanna (och undertecknad) krängandes Sveriges kanske just nu bästa skräcknoveller. 👻 Vi ses!
Books and potted plants are slowly but surely finding their way back into the study. Along with one of @veronique’s original drawings. 🥰 Check out her lovely creations over at veronique.ink.
AI is increasingly used to generate spam content. Spambots explores what would happen if, instead, machine learning was used to empower a group of robotic Spam cans to tell their tales.
I love how Neil Mendoza’s cute spambots tirelessly remix Huxley’s work. Via Lynn Cherny.
End-of-day update! The famous last 20 % still remains, but the room is definitely closer to being finished now than 8 hours ago. I love how cozy it is! 🥰
The study is coming along nicely! 💚 We’re getting help from a pro, and I appreciate the fact that I’m not drilling holes in the wall myself. 😅
Wine (The Heinrich Maneuver), pizza, and newslettering with this awesome human. That’s a recipe for a great Friday night.
This #FeedReaderFriday, you might be wondering why dial-up modems sound the way they do, or if you can transform human speech into blackbird song. If so, subscribe to Oona Räisänen’s blog. She has all the answers! At least when it comes to sounds and signals.
The next Murderbot book arrives on November 14th, and I can’t wait to read it! 📚
On this misty winter morning, I stumbled upon a lonely buoy on the frozen lake Viken. I think it’s longing for spring, yearning to be free once again. Or maybe it’s just me.
metalcore × yurufuwa = soft and fluffy hell. If you like Children of Bodom and/or Foo Fighters, this all-female Japanese heavy metal band might be right up your alley. 🎵
NEMOPHILA / DISSENSION U.S. Ver. [Official Music Video]
We are changing up the study/home office. Hello, green walls! 💚