My #DecemberAdventure continues! Here’s a log from yesterday—maybe even non-coders will find it interesting. I’m working on a little thing for 👀
izzzzi sounds cozy af. (via
izzzzi is an experiment which might be called “slow social media” where we are exploring a multitude of constraints imposed on the standard mechanism of people making posts:
- posts are collected into a digest once a day.
- posts from yesterday are deleted, forever, every day.
- posts are a draft and can be edited until the moment that yesterday is deleted and tomorrow becomes today.
- posts are only visible between people who “add” one another (“mutual follows”).
Psst. I haven’t told anyone yet, but I’m quietly doing a low key #DecemberAdventure. My goal is to write a little bit of code every day this December. You can follow my log here and Eli does an amazing job collecting other adventurers. 👀
I just released version 1.2.0 of Surprise me!, my plug-in for amusing your visitors by taking them to a random post on your blog. This is a small update focusing on performance and fixing an annoying blinking issue that occurred in some browsers. 🚀 Thanks to @kottkrig for helping out!
I shed a tear or two watching the documentary The Remarkable Life of Ibelin. Do yourself a favor and watch it.
To clarify: there are so many things I want to do, but my chains always pull me back. Luckily, I have found my escape, and it’s not too uncommon today. My great escape is gaming. I boot up the computer, get into position and then I leave this world. It’s not a screen, it’s a gateway to wherever your heart desires.
Technology can be so damn empowering.
It’s so cozy following along with the Poetry Camera team and seeing their prototype iterations. If you haven’t heard of it before, imagine a Polaroid camera—but instead of an instant photo, you get an instant poem describing the scene. Makes me want to build one for myself.
But, I do wish they’d designed it with smaller, locally run models. Feels like that could have worked for a project like this.
Ryan, Kelin, and Evan with the new camera.
Jag behöver inte en neonskylt från tv-programmet Sajber.
The point was to get out and to feel like you’re hunting, to feel like you’re living your life. I’m going to the movies, I’m going to this show. What streaming has done—it’s very convenient, but it’s taken the feeling of going hunting and turned it into we’re all just being fed.
See also surfing the web vs. *waves hands around at whatever it is we’re soaking in here*.
Oh, yes! Let’s relearn how to surf the web. Start here, here, or here. Och om du förstår svenska, lyssna på Sanna och mig surra kring ämnet.
New look for my phone! I’d rather not have to explain Joyce Lee’s more… explicit pieces to my nieces. But Omnipresence is innocent enough to grace the back of my phone – complete with a matching wallpaper. If you’re not squeamish about skin and body fluids, check out joyceartworks. 🍑
Had an amazing night in Gothenburg last week, catching MASTER BOOT RECORD live for the first time. 🎵
In the video above, guitarist Edoardo Taddei plays the outro for BAYAREA.BMP while crowd-surfing. Huge thanks to my childhood friend, domidus, for tagging along and filming this moment!
Here’s Jackie’s Guide to Making a Website (by you & for you). Gift it to a friend, to yourself—really, to anyone who needs a personal website. (Which, of course, is everyone.)
For 27 years, I took photographs as I waved good-bye and drove away from visiting my parents at their home in Sioux City, Iowa.
– Leaving and Waving. 🥹
Over the past few weeks, I’ve sent some of my old gadgets off to new homes. Ranging from 1 to 49 years old, they all still have plenty of life and value left in them. Gotta love the circular economy!
Here’s Meryl, giving us a tour of her embroidered website. Yes, you read that right—embroidered website! 🥰 (via Ana)
It’s friday, and you should listen to Linus Åkesson’s cover of Sommarfågel by Wintergatan. 🎵
Ragù bolognese in the making—now it just needs to simmer for a couple of hours. This is my go-to when Sanna is away and I’m cooking for myself. 🤤
We're in a weird limbo shift without the right cultural infrastructure to encourage, support, distribute, and curate good quality personal writing and research.
If people are writing thoughtful, quality things on personal sites or gardens, I don't know how we'd ever find them.
RSS isn't dead. Following single sites still works.
But community distribution and curation are the missing pieces.
I really enjoyed Red Rooms. It’s super creepy without relying on any gore, and it’s one of those films that keeps you intrigued as you try to figure out what the characters are thinking and what their true motives are. 🍿
Issue #2 of the Surf Club Guides E-Zine is out, and it’s all about graphics. 👀 Check it out!