Today was perfect for hanging out in the park and reading Kissa by Kissa. Finally, Amanda can get it back—I borrowed it about a year ago. 🫣 I’ll try to make it up by lending her my copy of Ducks in return. 📚

The book’s illustrated cover, displaying the interior of a kissaten with a booth and a bookshelve.

Oops!… I did it again. I neglected sharing my web finds with you for a while, and they started to pile up. But don’t worry, go check out the End of May Hyperlink Dump for tantalizing links to a zine about HTML elements, weird little web toys, a scrolling lecture on the computer mouse, and more. 👀

End of May Hyperlink Dump

May has been great weather-wise, and I’ve spent some time relaxing in the hammock, away from the keyboard. It’s been pleasant, but it means I’m a bit behind on sharing interesting web finds. So, without further ado, here are a bunch of hyperlinks I’ve enjoyed lately.

P.S. I don’t have a link pantry, but the fifty most recent URLs I loved or hated or found interesting hangs around in the hyperlink hodgepodge.

Make sure to adjust the volume on your device, then enter Alt Text Selfies with sound. 

Sex-kitten is flying through space fucking intergalactic nomads as well as eating gigantic pumpkin-pies. Her world smells of fresh sawdust and lilies. But for those who don’t have access to her mind, this picture may just look like a white person with long brown hair lying in bed wearing a beige t-shirt and beige eye mask surrounded by beige bedsheets.

It’s finally here—strawberry season! We took a short hike this morning and stopped by Rudenstams on our way back to grab these. 🤤

Eight cartons of fresh, yummy looking, strawberries in a cardboard box.

I helgen tog Sanna och jag varsin brassestol, satte oss i skuggan av ett par björkar och spelade in ett avsnitt av podden Hej (resten av) internet! – med humlesurr och fågelkvitter i bakgrunden. I nästan en timme tjötar vi gästböcker och webbkarnevaler och mycket mer. Finns där poddar finns. 🎙️

Today is Micro Camp day. 🏕️ A conversation with @film_girl about blogging, status update, and a community happy hour. It sounds wonderful, I hope I will be able to catch it live.

Our little library just opened up for its third summer. We had more books than space this year, but luckily, there’s another little beach library not far from ours that helped us out.  📚

A colorful wooden shed painted with rainbow stripes between two birch trees. The text Strandbibblan (the Beach Library) is written across the top.

Took this year’s first plunge into Viken today, documented by Sanna. Water was far from warm, but it definitely woke me up.

Me standing in the water, waving at the photographer, sandy shore in the foreground, surrounded by trees under a cloudy sky.

Sanna wrote a blog post about our trip to Copenhagen, loaded with links and photos of all the food, drinks, and fun stuff we experienced over there. 🇩🇰

Two cold beverages on a dark table, one in a frosted cocktail glass with a sugared rim and the other in a clear glass with condensation, both on coasters.

Balderdash. Crowded and cozy cocktail joint with finesse. They were into spritzing perfume on the drinks… and the patrons!

Finally, a CAPTCHA I can actually pass. 🥑

One more from this week’s trip to Denmark. This one is from inside Rundetaarn (the Round Tower). Sanna, I, and what felt like most of the school kids in the country raced to the top. 😅

The tower’s vaulted interior with arched windows and cobblestone flooring. Sunlight filters through the windows, casting light patterns on the walls and floor. 

Please do not disturb, I’m writing my blog. 🥰 From the hotel we stayed at in Copenhagen.

Your typical, please do not disturb sign but with countless stated reasons listed. I have jet lag. I’m writing my blog. I’m at the front desk asking for a headache pill. I need a quiet moment by myself. I’m in the bathtub, enjoying a break from the rush hours at home. I’m contemplating how I can make the world a better place. I’m practicing yoga as we speak. I’m kissing my loved one. I’m on Skype with my kids. I turned off the light to save energy and fell asleep. I’m preparing my speech for tomorrow. Last night was a long night out. I’m watching the news.

We had tacos and ice cream for lunch today. 😋 I’m a sucker for street food, and Reffen did not disappoint. It’s a cozy little oasis in Copenhagen, filled with food stalls, surrounded by workshops and warehouses.

A red container atop a blue container with the word Reffen cut out.

I just read Lizzy Stewart’s illustrated essay Walking Distance, and you should too. It’s about walking (no surprise there) but more specifically about the experience of being a woman out walking. Sprinkled with musings about moms, gender, social structure, and more. 📚

The book Walking Distance by Lizzy Stewart on a wooden table. The cover illustration depicts a large woman in a coat walking over a small town.

GERD was in town tonight and the show blew both our minds. Absolutely incredible. 🎵

A woman (GERD) on stage with a microphone, looking down thoughtfully, with a large, illuminated cloud-like art installation floating above.

I be wearing 💙

Remember when bands had proper websites? Some nights, feeling nostalgic, I cue up Rough Bunnies in my headphones and browse their old site for a while.

Image of a handmade website design on paper titled Rough Bunnies Home Page, featuring announcements and updates in both English and Swedish, with hand-drawn elements such as navigation buttons and illustrations of two bunnies. The last update reads: hello fans and friends, we are very sorry to say that you can’t buy our records anymore because they don’t exist since my mum’s computer got on fire.

Aww, that last update from Frida. 😭 I hope her mom’s doing alright now and has a computer that isn’t on fire. Here’s Dance with your shadow. 🎵

The artwork for L’Impératrice upcoming album gives off a strong Sorayama vibe. 🦾

Digital airbrush illustration of a metallic robot hand, with a butterfly perched on the index finger, against a starry background. The band, L'Impératrice, and album name, Pulsar, appears along the side.

💙 PULSAR 💙 artwork for the new album from @l.imperatrice out June 7th !!

This piece has been through so many hands and taken various different forms since I made it - this marks the very satisfying final destination of her journey 🥚

This is a fact that often baffles people from other countries: lots of personal information about us Swedes is publicly available.

Want to know when I was born, where I live, who lives with me, if I’m married, what I pay in taxes, what kind of car I own, how much my condo is worth, which company boards I have a seat on, my personal identity number, and so on?

It’s all just a search away and mostly available for free.

In Sweden, anyone can get a media license and get exempt from the GDPR.

We’ve arrived in Gothenburg! Soon: Dina ögon live at Pustervik. But first, tacos and margaritas. 🌮

A golden mirror against a wall with a flower pattern. The mirror shows a cozy hotel bed.