They did not disappointSvart Ridå live at Huskvarna Folkets Park. 🎵

Dressed in white shirts and black ties, the trio played to a packed crowd, bathed in moody red and purple lights.

All energy, all motion under the glow of purple.

Jag postade precis iväg mitt och Sannas lilla elektroniska nyhetsbrev med ämnesraden Ett viktorianskt psyko och en felkönande AI. In och läs om du gillar skräck och/eller sf. 📚

Surf on over to Alafiya’s website right now. That bird is animated! 😍 (via Rachel)

A lush green personal website homepage with a leafy background, yellow flowers, and a red bird perched on a branch. The name Alafiya Hasan appears in green, handwritten text. Navigation links labeled about, work, and contact surround the bird.

Just updated my now page! 👀 It’s about… running a two-business household, a father-and-son project, contemplating whether to splurge on overpriced secondhand Billie Eilish tickets, the emptiness after finishing all of Becky Chambers’ novels, and more.

My desk with a stack of books and Affinity Publisher open on the monitor, displaying my work in progress.

The family business turns 100 this year. Dad has written about its history, and I’m typesetting the book, sorting through a bunch of photos along the way. I love the eerie feel of this one of the factory, taken during a winter in the 1950s. 🏭

A black-and-white photo of the factory. The building stands under a dark sky, with a plume of smoke rising from the chimney and snow covering the ground.

Mys när hittat en länk som han tycker skulle platsa i vår podd och drar igång en spontan Hej (resten av) internet!-sektion i Björeman // Melin // Åhs. 🥰 Japp, är helt klart i vår smak och, ja, det är hög tid att vi masar oss till inspelningsbåset igen. 😋

My view from the sofa yesterday during movie night with the niece. With a two-year-old, movie night is more like movie afternoon. She managed nine minutes before wanting to play dress-up instead.

Her dad let her have as many pieces of candy as she is years old. I got two pieces of candy, too. 😋

A saucer with one piece of candy left on it. In the background, the Swedish cartoon Bamse is playing on the tv.

Warm enough for cardamom bun and coffee in the sun today! I’m reading I, Robot for Elle Cordova’s sf book club. 📚

Bulle på finporslin i gräset, tillsammans med kaffe i termos och boken 'I, Robot'.

Första soliga vårfikan i Idas park. Sven tog med finporslin i jackfickan.

My Instagram connector for Tapestry has been broken for a while, but I’m working on fixing it. It’s getting there! I’m also experimenting with a connector for X. It’s so weird seeing posts from both platforms in the same timeline.

There are still kind and interesting folks on these sites. Now, I can keep up with them until they leave for better, more open alternatives.

My phone with Tapestry open, showing posts from Instagram and X in the same timeline.

And about Neal’s post in the photo…

sometimes I design something and then realize I’m thinking about the wii menu again

Our brains must be wired similarly. I think about the Wii Menu sometimes too. 😋

On the topic of great blog posts, here’s @annie’s Despite the horrors, the laundry must be done; Despite the laundry, the horrors must be faced. A thoughtful approach to navigating the upsetting and complex situations we face, both at home and in the world.

Robert is curious about the blog posts that resonated with you in February. He’s started curating a list of people’s favorites, a very cozy way to find some good reads for the weekend. My favorite post is in there too! Surf over to Robert’s blog to see which one I chose. 🏄

Support for SVG favicons just landed in Safari Technology Preview. Finally! It’s about time. This is good news for Micro.bloggers using my Faviconique plug-in. 💅

New to me, Svart Ridå has a very Swedish ’90s indie sound, and I like it! Just secured tickets to see them live next month. 🎵

”Kall” UTE NU!

16 years ago today, if you had taken tram line 1 towards Tynnered, you would have been surprised to find Detektivbyrån playing Generation Celebration live. Oh, how I wish I had been there. Here’s a taste—the rest is on YouTube. 🎵

“How far should I count?”
“Count to 25!”

My niece and I were playing hide and seek this afternoon. When I got to 12, she came back.

“What is it?”
“I need your help,” she says, grabbing my hand.

She leads me into the bedroom, and I see our dirty laundry spread everywhere. Of course, she figured out that she’s small enough to fit in our laundry bin, but she can’t get in herself. I lift her up and carefully place her in the bin. I grab the lid she had tossed on our bed and place it on her head.

“This is the perfect hiding spot!” I say. “I’ll never find you.”

Tiana Dueck has completed her documentary series Asking Around and I’m watching the first episode now, asking around about reading. So cozy! There are also episodes about friendship, birding, crafting, what it’s like to be a gecko, and more.

Tiana and her friend Zoé are sitting on a sofa, talking about reading. There’s a sleeping dog between them, and the subtitles read: yeah, I feel like reading is always in your life and some way rather.

Martha Wells:

I have been so excited since I found out this would be announced today! RIP any ability for me to concentrate[.]

Me, too, Martha. Me, too. Murderbot premieres May 16! 🦾

I love this definition of a personal website from ravon:

a website is a link to a page in an infinite book bound within one domain name. it’s where the architecture of the internet becomes apparent to many of us. it’s a landing — like a stoop, porch, or front door. peering through the window, what do you want us to learn about you? who else are you connected to?

In that piece, she also quotes Laurel’s classic My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge—another poetic way to describe our nests in cyberspace.

New drop from Trisha. 🖤

real men know how to dream
real men know how to clean
real men make cuisine
real men know how to steam
Real men stay hydrated
Real men don’t need a face lift
Real men celebrate other men’s success
Real men know having fun is best