real men know how to dream
real men know how to clean
real men make cuisine
real men know how to steam
Real men stay hydrated
Real men don’t need a face lift
Real men celebrate other men’s success
Real men know having fun is best
Secured tickets to Charli XCX at Way Out West, Gothenburg. See you in August, angels! 🍏
Rek Bell perfectly illustrates how to fold a zine. ✂️
Curious about how the trans sisters in your computer work? Of course you are! Go watch Heydon’s Why is Everything Binary? now.
What a lovely pledge this is. 🥰
there are eight billion people in the world, 67% of whom are on the internet (in case you don't have a calculator handy, that's 5,360,000,000 people). this little corner of the internet represents .000000130597015% of the world's internet users. and I am so excited about it.
to my seven subscribers, i pledge to never be exciting. i pledge to be a reflection of your own humanity. i pledge to be full of faults and make lots of mistakes. thank you for seeing me.
Here’s a summary of some drama that unfolded while I slept.
Today I received a cease and desist notice related to my recent comments about the attitudes and behaviors of some people within the IndieWeb space.
Folks assumes this is about Manton and Pitchforks on the timeline.
Confirm a negative for us. If this ISN’T about Manton and/or, say so. Many people on MB deserve to know if this is about their platform.
Don’t assume, get mad, and immediately post about it. Take a breath. Give it 5 minutes. Don’t be a hothead.
Switching things up at home—new sofa, coffee table, and rug in the living room. Sanna and I have been together for 22 years, and this is the third sofa we’ve bought. It cost an arm and a leg, so hopefully, it’s also the last one we buy before we die. 😋
Hi there, sun, I’ve missed you.
Sanna feels like there are more and more books piling up at home. 📚 And, well, she’s not wrong. That’s on me.
Here are my three favorite reads from January:
- Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto
- The Walking Man by Jiro Taniguchi
- The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn’t a Guy at All by Sumiko Arai
I’ve had a Nirvana song playing in my head* for the last couple of days (not constantly), and I kept meaning to look up the exact lyrics because—well, my memory is okay, but short. When I finally sat down at my computer to actually look it up, I saw that Anamanaguchi released a cover… three days ago?!1 Weird! What are the odds? 🎵
Never met a wise man
If so, it’s a woman
Anyway, here’s the original Territorial Pissings (Live At The Paramount/1991) and the recent cover (⚠️ Warning for flashing lights).
* Do all humans do that? Play music in their head, I mean.
Damn, it sucks that (and Posts) is winding down. I’ve lost count of all the cool websites, projects, and humans I’ve found over there. Like Karlie’s Text-iles, Robert’s music player, and Connie’s site – and those finds are just from the last couple of days!
If you’ve never heard of before, do yourself a favor and scroll through their explore page before it disappears. Don’t wait too long, though.
May 16th, 2025 and Posts and all corresponding data will be fully wound down.
Welcome to my homepage–my little corner of the internet. It’s here, on the world wide web, thanks to me and my machine. The glorious machine.
Tired of scrolling through endless AI slop? Fed up with the never-ending churn of algorithmic anxiety?
Yeah, me too. That’s not what the web is about.
The goal of the Web is to serve humanity.
It’s time to escape the algorithm! Making space for a handmade web. The free web.
Or, you know, leave the machine for a bit. But first, let it find your next read. Because AI isn’t entirely evil, just mostly–see TRISHASODE 1.
Ayla’s new album, Ayla Ondamoon, has become my nightly soundtrack. Playful, distorted, synthy, and packed with deep bass—it slaps! Start with When u sleep and Noll, or get an overview of the album in ~2 minutes. 🎵
Marginalia Search recently moved to a new domain and got a bit of a facelift. If you haven’t checked out this indie web search engine yet, now’s a great time to give it a try. Not sure what you’re looking for? Head over to the explore page and see what catches your eye. 👀
I’m redesigning my homepage, and I think it’ll feature Aqua-style buttons and looping videos. Also, I felt a little sorry for my mouse pointer—it’s always so lonely. So, I gave it a little friend to chase around. 👻
A quick update on my #DecemberAdventure… It went really, really well for ten days—then not so well. But I still had a great month. Here’s my log. 👀
Thanks for organizing, @[email protected], and see y’all again in eleven months.
We have a hill right below our kitchen window that’s perfect for sledding. As long as there’s some amount of snow on the ground, there’s never not a bunch of kids out there. 🛷
From my copy of Sarah Andersen’s Oddball, printed in 2021. Happy new year, everyone! 😅
Perfect Days is a very good film about cleaning toilets. Hirayama and I share a few quirks—like lying flat on the floor while listening to music. 🍿