Sanna made this delicious celeriac soup for us today. Mmm! Topped with browned butter, dill, and hazelnuts. So tasty. 😋

A beta version of my new plug-in, Conversation on, is now available. If you want a “Reply on” link on your blog posts and are brave enough, check out the installation instructions.

Want “reply on” links on your blog? I have a working prototype running on my blog.
Should I pack this up as a plug-in? Let me know if you’re interested in helping out with testing.

Humans, exploiting the fact that Lake Viken is currently frozen. 🧊

My Reply by email plug-in is now available in the official directory. 🎉 Check it out if you want an easy way for your readers to comment on your blog posts using their default email app. Thanks, @manton.

It’s book launch day! My favorite author (and soulmate) just released her first short story collection. Does cozy Swedish horror pique your curiosity? Then go check out Sanna Lund’s Arkiv för upphittade anteckningar. For yourself or a friend. 📚

Bent over backward to get this view of Saint Katarina’s church ruin in Visby. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get this shot straight. My back must be crooked. 😅

Not for me, but maybe something for the 🖋️ community to checkout? 😊
A new way to build websites with pen & paper.
Are you yearning for a feel-good quick read about a bunch of quirky people repairing printers and other Apple hardware? Of course, you are! It would be best if you read LaserWriter Ⅱ by Tamara Shopsin. 📚

A couple of weeks ago, I finished Bubble. A nicely illustrated, action-packed, sci-fi adventure; seasoned with a pinch of social satire. The elevator pitch? Hmm. 🤔 Monster-hunting in a gig economy graphic novel! 📚

Here in Sweden, the word hygge is a clear-cut area in a forest. So that can cause confusion in conversations with our neighbors in Denmark and Norway. 😊

I love discovering the less talked about features in new iOS releases, like that you can get cozy rain and dark noise playing in your ears. 🤩 Set it up by going to ⚙️ Settings️ → Accessibility → Audio/Visual → Background Sounds.
What gems have you found in iOS 15?
Week 1,851
Thursday, we packed our bags and hit the road down south. We steered towards Brösarp and Talldungen. When summer comes to an end, we go there for a night or two. It has stuck as a tradition. We went for a swim in the Baltic Sea, talked a lot, ate, and drank well.

We also played around with our cameras, snapping pictures of old fishing sheds, and tried catching waves on video. I’m pretty sure we’ll be back again next year.
Sanna ran a book circle on Discord, and I joined to discuss the short story Everything’s Fine by Matthew Pridham. It’s interesting to learn about fellow readers’ thoughts and opinions. This time around, everyone had interpreted the story roughly the same way. And most of us enjoyed it.
On the subject of being on the same page: I nodded along while reading Documents ≠ Programs.
Our favorite late-afternoon-wine spot on the in-laws’ porch. The weather was exceptional this weekend. The garden view was… interesting. 😅

Just before sundown yesterday, we packed the camera and gear in a knapsack and biked to the edge of the forest. Then, by foot, we followed a trail to this spot. Sanna needed material for a new photography course. I tagged along for company, coffee, and a beautiful sunset. 😊

Today I read Everything’s Fine by Matthew Pridham. 📚 You know that meme of a dog getting engulfed in flames while proclaiming that everything is fine? Well, Pridham’s short story takes on the same theme, in a way. Loved it!

Another one from our trip to Haväng; a mini-wave coming for iPhone 12 mini. 😅 No smartphones were harmed in the making of this video. 🌊
Close to where I tried photographing waves the other day lies this shed called Vedalaboden. It’s an old ålabod; a place to take shelter and store gear when fishing for eel.

Yesterday. A trip to Haväng for a swim in the Baltic Sea. 🗺 We also caught waves on our image sensors. As one can imagine, Sanna had no troubles. Me, on the other hand. Well, let’s just say my sensor ended up more below water than above.

Today, our MINI Cooper SE passed a funny milestone: 23,456 kilometers on the road. 🎉 Powered by wind, water, and solar. 🔋 Tomorrow, it will take us to the hills of Brösarp. 🗺 Keep it up, Skogsbullebilen!

Week 1,850

I’ve gravitated towards the community for years now. A welcoming bunch of people, just blogging away and having a good time. Somewhat like Twitter, but nice! Actually, it’s not at all like Twitter. There’s no follower count, no likes, and the public timeline is curated by actual human beings. 😲 Can you believe that? It’s super cozy!
Anyway, this week I decided to go from lurker to participant and started micro posting there under the moniker @sod. Wanna hear how that clock up there sounds? Well, you have to visit my post about grandpa’s clock to find out.

Sanna and I had a date Thursday night, entirely dedicated to work on Läslöss, our blog about books and how much we adore them. We had a good time, and I ended up writing a short post about the Incredible Doom comic. So if Swedish makes any sense to you, you should follow that link.
It feels good being fully vaccinated (for now), and we’re slowly getting used to hanging out with friends and family and going on social events again. I visited an ex-colleague and friend in her house, shared a great lunch with dad, and the week ended on a high note, as we went to a concert for the first time since… I don’t know; forever?
It was nice! It was a little chilly outside, but that was outweighed by the pure joy of experiencing live music again. Thanks, Nina (The Cardigans) and Martin (The Soundtrack of Our Lives), for a great evening at Huskvarna Folkets Park.
Also, I’m probably a cyber-realist. Good to know. 😅
Four months ago, we visited Åkulla beech forests and stumbled upon this spectacular view during our walk. The hiker in the photo is Sanna, and the hill she just conquered is called Hiaklitten.